Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Living in that somewhat "elusive" space of being focused on the moment is an incredible challenge. There are different degrees of "losing it", as we swim in the sea of possibility. Some times it's a little wobble, and sometimes it's a big wobble, but you can still stop the wobble, and gain control over your internal dialog...your chatterbox.

I have read The Power of Now, by Tolle, and it was was a powerful, moving, experience. Yet, I felt like a little man looking at a mountain, with a big ball, I am supposed to push up this hill. I would push the ball up the mountain and get it to the top. The ball would balance for just a brief moment, and fall to the other side. I would climb down the mountain, walk around to the ball and begin to push it up the mountain, and again the ball would balance for a moment, and then roll down the other side. On and on this went, as the moment I had the ball balanced, a brand new world opened up. I just could not balance the ball.

Once you find a way to balance the ball, it becomes easier...and when the ball slips a little you know how to catch it, and return to center. Today, I lost the ball, the mountain, all of it, due to the racket/noise in my head.

Thanks to my amazing sister, I am now centered again. She has done the Landmark forum, as well as the Advanced course, and is an incredible coach. Even though she is my sister, she ain't pullin' no punches. She went in to the trenches with me and shared a tool to see where I was going wrong.

"Stop fighting it, by fighting it you are feeding it"

That brought everything back to center...the silence...

"Hey Todd...Let go of the banana!"

Peace All!

1 comment:

  1. Rock. You have a great sister. My own sister is the one who paid for me to attend the Forum. Right there with you.

    The Chatterbox has no sense of Justice. If you make a mistake, then you may need corrections. If you do something wrong, then you may need to be punished. But only once. Correct, then make a better future with that correction. Accept punishment, but learn from it.

    The Chatterbox doesn't play that way. It punishes over and over. Your sister's dead on. Allowing it to do this only feeds it. Mistakes happen. When they do, we alter course and sail on.

    This, really, was a great experience, as experience can only really get this message below the skin and into the bones where it can strengthen.
